Monday, March 2, 2015

Diferença entre eficiência e eficácia - TCC sobre Chester Barnard

Sempre tive dificuldade em entender a diferença entre eficácia e eficiência no mundo empresarial. Enquanto estudava Teoria Geral da Administração, ouvi sobre Chester Barnard. Fiquei muito impressionado com sua maneira de gerenciar pessoas e, ao mesmo tempo, encontrei em sua obra um uso vasto dos termos eficiência e eficácia. Assim, tentei juntar os dois interesses na TCC. 

Terminado o MBA, saiu um pequeno trabalho sobre Chester Barnard - gerente que impressionou-me com sua grandeza: um Maquiavel em nossos tempos! O trabalho chama-se "Eficácia e eficiência na obra As Funções do Executivo, de Chester Barnard" e o nome do arquivo é [29471-11301-1-379751]Artigo_Barnard_Guilhermino_Vfinal_27abr2013.pdf.

O link é: 

Para saber se falamos do mesmo arquivo, seguem dois identificadores:

sha1: 729417F2D5212A9B6DB639B2105138255FB715CD
md5: DD5D42DB81D5A5F59442FFAEA4F0BB6D

Difference between effectiveness and efficiency in Chester Barnard's work

I always had some difficulty to understand the meaning of effectiveness and efficiency in the business world. While studying General Theory of Administration, heard about Chester Barnard and became very impressed with the way he talks about managing people and at the same time I found in his work a wide use of the terms efficiency and effectiveness. So I tried to combine both interests in a monograph.

After the MBA, came forth this little work on Chester Barnard - manager who impressed me with his greatness: a Niccolò Machiavelli in our times! The work is called "Effectiveness and efficiency in Chester Barnard's book The Functions of the Executive", file [29471-11301-1-379751] Artigo_Barnard_Guilhermino_Vfinal_27abr2013.pdf.

This is a portuguese version. Working on a english one.

The link is:

To find out if we are talking about the same file, there's two identifiers:

sha1: 729417F2D5212A9B6DB639B2105138255FB715CD
md5: DD5D42DB81D5A5F59442FFAEA4F0BB6D