Monday, December 5, 2011

Moral and ethics

In the corporate world, we hear much talk about ethics code, ethical or unethical behavior and about business ethics. But exactly what companies want to talk about when they use those expressions?

Ethics is the study of morality, the critique of morality, the moral assessment. We are ethical when study another culture and learn about their values, different from ours. We are ethical when we put the head on the pillow at night and evaluate what we have done throughout the day. We are ethical when we think about right and wrong, of ourselves and others - in our culture and our time and in other times, places and cultures. When we realize that a given thing is for sure today and was not fifty years ago, we are being ethical.

Ethics has thus the ability to force us to look comprehensively our attitudes and others', to tolerate differences, to understand what is right for us at any given time there is not for other people and other times.

Otherwise, the moral concerns over our actions. What we do day to day, the decisions we make are linked to morality. We can do moral, immoral or amoral things. Normally, an action is moral as we do beyond our personal horizon, when we do something for the good of someone or many, even giving up ourselves, morality is linked to altruism, which is the selfless love of neighbor, the unselfish act.

Immoral actions are those where we think more in ourselves than in others, where we prioritise our interests at the expense of others. When we use a person as a means to an end we are interested in, the chances are we're being immoral. The immorality is linked to selfishness - when we understand the world from the standpoint of our own exclusive interest. And we can be amoral, when our actions do not harm or help. For example, when we go to the newsstand on the corner and bought a newspaper, it's very likely that this is an amoral action, which involves neither selfishness or altruism.

Thus, in the companies, the rules are written in Codes of Ethics, which gives the outline of what the company sees as right or wrong. Our actions within the company, in light of the codes, are moral, immoral or amoral. We do not use the words moral and immoral on a daily basis just because the word immoral is contaminated by sexual content - corporations prefer the euphemism "unethical."

i like administration a lot

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