Monday, September 19, 2011

Difference between effectiveness and efficiency - II

When Chester Barnard separated the concepts of effectiveness and efficiency, sought more than simply evaluate the effects of human actions in the corporate world. His model aims to understand why most people work together and understand how these cooperative actions work.

So he makes a point on making this distinction between these apparently synonymous words. In order to separate the result of cooperation for collective concern from the result of cooperation for individual concern.

Thus, the effectiveness of cooperative action is the realization of the recognized objectives of this action. The degree to which indicates the degree of effectiveness. "Effectiveness is related to the achievement of the cooperative purpose, which is impersonal."

The efficiency is related to the satisfaction of individual motives. If people who are part of a cooperative effort not feel gratified, they will halt the effort or will strive less. "Efficiency is related to the satisfaction of individual motives and is personal."

I like administration a lot

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